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    常见于天然和有机药妆品中, botanical ingredients derived from plants play an essential role in achieving a product’s desired effect. In addition, botanical ingredients affect many consumers’ product choices. 我们都喜欢知道美容新太阳集团娱乐app的成分, 和 familiar ingredients take center stage in the organic cosmeceutical space.


    A common category of 活性成分 in cosmetic products is Botanicals. These 活性成分 are wholly derived from plants 和 tend to contain multiple effects that other common 活性成分 aim to achieve. Botanical ingredients are often found as plant oils, 提取s, or teas. While these products come from familiar places, they aren’t always for everyone. People with allergies need to be especially careful with their botanical products, 因为有些新太阳集团娱乐app可能会引起过敏反应. 在购买之前,一定要阅读新太阳集团娱乐app的成分表.

    种类如此繁多的植物, 植物新太阳集团娱乐app涵盖了广泛的效果, from skin brightening 和 exfoliation to improving hydration 和 treating scar tissue. 常用的植物药包括:


    Green tea contains many antioxidants 和 is known mainly for its health benefits as a beverage. Skin care products containing green tea as an active ingredient 持有更多利益 比你想象的要多. Studies have found that the primary polyphenolic compound in green tea, EGCG含有许多护肤功效.  在护肤品, 绿茶提取物的基本化合物, EGCG, 可以减少红肿, 肿胀, 和刺激引起的痤疮, 酒渣鼻, 性皮炎, 脱发, 和瘢痕疙瘩. 在2005年和2013年进行的两项研究中, green tea has also proven to improve skin elasticity 和 moisture, 减少细纹和皱纹.


    因为它来自菠萝茎,菠萝蛋白酶是 富含维生素C和维生素E, considered by many as two of the essential vitamins to improve the look of your skin. 菠萝蛋白酶酶 are proteins which are frequently used in the Americas to treat Arthritis, 窦炎症,  和感染. 然而,这些内部效应尚未得到证实. Skincare products containing the bromelain enzyme are often used as gentle exfoliators to remove dead skin cells from the face 和 body. Bromelain is a proven anti-inflammatory agent 和 dermal cleanser. 理想的消炎和温和去除死皮, 菠萝蛋白酶是烧伤膏中很受欢迎的成分. The ingredient is best applied in the mid to late stages of burn recovery to remove dead skin 和 reduce irritation. 这种成分不仅有助于去除死皮细胞, 它能温和地减少黑头, 伴随着红肿的瑕疵.


    另一种热带酶, 木瓜蛋白酶它来自木瓜植物. 这是治疗几种疾病的好方法, 包括喉咙痛, 消化不良, 甚至还有带状疱疹症状. In cosmeceuticals, papain enzyme is yet another anti-inflammatory agent. Alongside inflammation, papain can also reduce topical pain caused by minor injuries like sunburn. 加速愈合过程的理想选择, papain creams 和 salves are best applied to reduce skin tightness, 干燥, 和 other irritation associated with healing scar tissue 和 scabs.

    The papain enzyme is used in skincare products to gently remove dead skin cells, 使它成为去角质的绝佳选择. The papaya enzyme makes your skin cleaner 和 brighter 和 can also unclog pores 和 reduce inflammation from blemishes. 因为这些以及更多的原因, finding products with papain enzyme as one of the 活性成分 will undoubtedly do wonders for your skin.


    原产于亚洲南部和东部的, 合欢花是丝绸树上盛开的美丽花朵. 也被称为 Albizia julibrissin 提取, this tree-based 提取 often treats redness 和肿胀 from insect bites, 痤疮, 和其他皮肤刺激物. 还有合欢,非洲品种 Albizia adianthifolia 含有相似的化合物和效果. 这两个品种都含有有益的化合物,如二肽, elliptosides, 脂肪酸, 类黄酮, 和组织胺. The albizia flower helps pr甚至t your skin from premature signs of aging, 显著减少细纹和皱纹. Having albizia flowers as an active ingredient ensures that your skin will be bright, 甚至, 和青春的.

    更广为人知的是 雏菊提取物, Bellis Perennis is a natural alternative to hydroquinone, a common skin brightener. Amongst the benefits of Bellis perennis as an active ingredient in skincare are its anti-inflammatory properties. Having daisy 提取 in your skincare products can also reduce dark spots 和 signs of aging by balancing your skin tone 和 giving your face a brighter, 年轻的外貌 .理想的减少红肿, 色素沉着过度, 和肿胀, daisy flower 提取 is a common tool in the natural esthetician’s lineup for treating skin conditions like 酒渣鼻 和 性皮炎.

    富含抗氧化剂和天然替代品对苯二酚, 熊果萃取物 是流行的皮肤亮肤剂吗. 来源于常绿的熊果, 熊果提取物含有抗氧化剂小檗碱, 一个强大的抗老化剂,减少皱纹, 细纹, 和炎症. In addition to its anti-aging properties, berberine holds anti-bacterial properties as well.

    There are many incredible naturally-derived alternatives that we have used in our SB-7皮肤增亮剂朗讯电源板. 另一种天然替代品是熊果提取物,适合你的皮肤. While it does not contain hydroquinone, 熊果萃取物 has many of the same benefits. Choosing skincare products with 熊果萃取物 as an active ingredient helps tackle dark spots, 让它们更安全. 作为对苯二酚的替代品, 熊果萃取物 is an excellent natural alternative for treating redness 和 色素沉着过度 caused by scars, 痤疮, 慢性皮肤病,如皮炎和酒渣鼻.

    The final ingredient on our list, saffron cream, comes from the saffron crocus. 主要用作香料, saffron is an antioxidant that can aid the skin when used in creams 和 lotions. 作为抗氧化剂, saffron can reduce inflammation 和 protect against the sun’s UV rays, which can be caused by the buildup of oxygen free radicals in the skin. Saffron-based creams can also reduce redness 和 色素沉着过度 when applied to the skin, 和 saffron oil salves can promote cell growth 和 development in wounds, 这是治疗牛皮癣的完美配方.

    以及它作为闪电剂的价值, saffron is perfect for treating other issues that you may be facing with your skin. 藏红花有助于修复皮肤细胞损伤, which is increasingly important as the weather begins to shift between 季节. Saffron also reduces pigmentation 和 is an anti-inflammatory ingredient, 非常适合治疗红肿和瑕疵.


    Finding the right skincare products for you requires looking into the 活性成分. 这样做对你的皮肤有很大的帮助. Prioritizing some of the ingredients listed above is the perfect place to start your reinvented skincare routine.

    在黑尔, 我们优先考虑不含对羟基苯甲酸酯的药妆新太阳集团娱乐app, 染料, 人工香水, 邻苯二甲酸盐, 和甲醛. 在这些新太阳集团娱乐app中有植物药妆品. 有益的活性成分还不止于此. 如果想了解更多,请查看不同的 活性成分太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站品的新太阳集团娱乐app中发现.



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